Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Football 2008

Football is once again upon us. Miles played this year for the first time, and despite breaking his pinky early in the season, had a great time playing receiver, cornerback and special teams. This was his first taste of football, being a converted soccer player this year. Cole came back for a second year of flag football with pretty much the same team as last year. Cole helmed the team as QB and is now busy trying to decide which college he's going to play for. Gotta dream big! Gage and Shay (along with mom and dad) were pretty much kept busy running from one game to another. Gage played soccer and did much better at actually playing this year and not sitting on the sidelines asking when it was time for the treats! Unfortunately since I was coaching and Lisa was chasing Shay everywhere we actually didn't get a single picture of Gage in action.

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