Monday, December 15, 2008

Storm Watch 2008

It may not look like much in these shots (especially to those of you in snowier climes) but this was just the beginning. By the time the storms finished a week or 2 later, there was over 2 feet of the white stuff at our house. That's a lot by any standards, but for Seattle, that's ginormus! It pretty much shut the state down for several weeks. School was canceled for 3 days, church was canceled for 2 weeks straight (all you Utahns can be jealous of that!) and everything just ground to a halt. It was pretty while it lasted though.


McCall said...

Wow - your snow blows my snow out of the water! Actually, we did have genuine snow flakes fall here in December. No sledding, but we did get some snow balls out of it! (In fact, one is still in my freezer)

Russon Family said...

McCall, OUR everything blows your everything out of the water, not just our snow! Haven't you realized that yet?! Now remember when you come up, it'll be Spring, so bring your long underwear since you get SOOO cold when you are away from Texas.