Saturday, August 23, 2008

Shay's 2nd Birthday!

Shay celebrated big number 2! We teamed up with Max again since his birthday is only a few days later. Shay got all the girly stuff she loves, a purse, necklace, shoes and cell phone. I'm not saying it's genetic, but she sure hasn't learned that from the boys! Her cake was shaped like one of her two favorite things (the other being hair)...a flip-flop! If you don't know, Shay is obsessed with shoes, especially flip-flops, and has been known to not only steal other peoples shoes if they are left lying around, but actually took a shoe off of a little girls foot at the park so that she could put it on her own foot. Max also got his favorite cake shape, a car (which to him is like shoes to Shay.)

NOT her shoes!

Birthday kiss from good buddy Max!


Kim said...

Happy Birthday Miss Shay! To bad we don't' live closer, Allie could have celebrated with Shay. Good job on the cake, it looks so cute.

McCall said...

Happy Birthday Shay! She looks so adorable....what a little DIVA! Love the birthday kiss. What are you planning to do about that little tradition when she and Max are 13!

Jon said...

Lisa, this is Megan Ward. I just found your blog through Angie's. You have the cutest family. It's fun to see them after hearing so much about them.

I hope all is well. I miss talking to you through JJ Cole.

Megan said...

and that was posted under my husband's name...oops!

johnsonjive said...

Lisa, hey just so you know your blog is fianlly listed on my fav's. So, I'll be able to stalk the Russon's much better!!

erin gale said...
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erin gale said...
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erin gale said...

i think every girl deserves shoes for her birthday...and a birthday kiss. i'm mad i didn't cash in on that myself this year! shay is a smart girl! hope all is well lisa! i miss you.