Cole had his big number 8 this month. He and his friends went down to the driving range to hit some balls (surprisingly far) and then had a sleep over. For the family party, he got to have his favorite dinner (spaghetti and meatballs), Cold Stone for dessert, and open his gifties. He got some Indiana Jones Legos, football cleats and the best gift of all...his favorite blankie got all sewn up so he can sleep with it again! He still loves that blankie, and wasn't happy that it had gotten torn up. Of course we didn't tell his buddies that were over that he had gotten that, he has an image to uphold and all. Being the big number 8, Cole will be getting baptized next month. We are actually holding off until July 5th, and doing it in Utah with the family so that he can have them come. Otherwise it'd feel pretty sparse on family members if we did it up here.